Thursday, April 2, 2009


Monday should not exist. I do not know of a single person who enjoys Mondays. If everyone hates them so much, then why do we have them? Good question. I don’t think we should have them. If there were no Mondays, there would be no students sleeping through classes and being late to first period at the beginning of every week. This, in turn would mean less grumpy teachers. One could deduce that less grumpy teachers will dish out less homework. Less homework would be wonderful. For those people with full time jobs, they would not have to endure that sinking feeling of dread every Sunday night. I know that feeling and it can really ruin a Sunday night. Instead of showing up reluctant and huffy to work on Mondays, we could all show up energetic and cheerful on Tuesdays. If the whole wide world detests Mondays, can’t we just get rid of them and take one small step towards making our world a better place?

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